We recently stayed at the Hotel du Vin in Bristol and enjoyed a very pleasant meal in the brasserie on Saturday evening. The menu was interesting; I had the cod fillet with seared scallops and pepperonata as a main course. The cod fillet was nice and thick and not overcooked giving delicate flakes of cod which slid away on the knife. There are a number of sustainable sources for Atlantic Cod (
Gadus morhua) including Iceland, NE Arctic and Celtic Sea.
The varied breakfast menu offered grilled kippers which I chose. In fact when it arrived it was a pair of kipper fillets which were nicely presented with melted butter. I added a couple of poached eggs for good measure.
When cooking a whole kipper at home I favour the method of cooking a kipper in a jug of hot water. Just place the kipper, head down, into a tall jug filled with boiling water straight from the kettle. Put a tea towel over the top and leave for 15 minutes. Remove the kipper and serve with a knob of butter. This provides a lightly cooked kipper without filling the house with cooking smells.